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Okay and after much deliberation!
Okay and after much deliberation!

Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
Posts: 2200
Vael Victus's avatar
Mar 23rd - 09:33
This is what will change in terms of core features to MonBre:

* raids will be more 'epic'. They will cost more and will be able to run for 6 hours. (current max is 6)
* working will change as such:
"rest" no longer exists every 6 hours. Instead it is hourly and working now gives you 40% (roughly) of what you'd normally make with the current system. Working once will take 8 hours, and they all go down a tick every hour. It is thus possible to work thrice in one day, if you are dedicated enough. This also allows people to wake up, send the monster to work, gain stats + money for it, and then go out exploring afterwards. Also, exuberance is going to be way too powerful for that system, so I'll be debuffing and buffing it.
* evolution will be getting a large change:
You now evolve the monster every level. You no longer have to wait 35 days to see your monster's final evolution. The levels currently in my head are 10 to evolve to toddler, 50 for child, 100 for teen, 250 for adult. I think this will help a lot in terms of keeping players because I have a feeling some are put off by this.
-- I'm pretty sure we're still going to have life expectancies, but I'm doubting they'll mean as much as they do now at all.

* really looking into putting icons on the "locale" page to make us look even more friendly.

I'll be updating the reference also for all these changes.

I'll then post a news post to a game website, spend some money on advertising again, and we'll go from there.

So what do you guys think? If you also have any ideas on how to de-complicate the gameplay, I'm all ears.

MonBre is an unlisted game of Tinydark Studio. Personal Website:
Muriel Omnicore
"Hello, everyone!"
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Muriel Omnicore's avatar
03/23/2009 11:48
well, i guess my previous thread is not in vain
thank you for your attention by the way, actually i've been watching the forum all along but, i never really got time to post something...

i got lot's of thing in my head about this game that just didn't feel right, it's so overwhelming that i must think about it systematically so i don't get confused myself. I'm currently working on MORE suggestionabout the game(how to make the game simpler in my way) , so i hope u don't mind seeing A LOT MORE suggestion coming up in the next few days from me .

I'm rather a slow poster because i have to translate and think in the same time >.<.(it tooks me hours to make the draft, and another hour to actually paste it...)

wow, there's gonna be statue for me....

Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
Posts: 2200
Vael Victus's avatar
03/23/2009 12:56
Ah, no problem. Thanks for caring and helping, I'm open to all suggestions! And yes, as I said, if this works out, I will build a statue for you somewhere. I am a cool game designer.

What is your primary language? It seems to be German.

MonBre is an unlisted game of Tinydark Studio. Personal Website:
Mikal Sponao
"i'm the king of noobs"
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Mikal Sponao's avatar
03/24/2009 13:25
"You now evolve the monster every level. You no longer have to wait 35 days to see your monster's final evolution."

does this replace time-based evolution or simply add a new method to evolution?

Demi Lune
"The what now?"
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Demi Lune's avatar
03/24/2009 14:00
Replace the time-based evolution, to speed up the gameplay and keep people more interested.

Oh, considering that though, being able to evolve fully in one day would be a bit much... Maybe one evolution per day? Or a limit on how often you can splice monsters, like they have to be x days old to splice.

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
Posts: 2200
Vael Victus's avatar
03/24/2009 15:26
Realistically that's a good choice, in terms of the game making sense and whatnot, but I can't see people getting anything more than baby-toddler-child in one day. On top of that, I'm pretty tired of limiting people, which is why I'm making these two changes.

It replaces it, Mikal. Do you think it shouldn't? =o

Edit: Oh, right, also, work level can count for evolution too.

MonBre is an unlisted game of Tinydark Studio. Personal Website:

Edited once on March 24th, 2009 15:27:01 by Vael Victus
Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
Posts: 2200
Vael Victus's avatar
03/24/2009 17:47
I'm pooped. ~_~ Plus I'd like an answer to that there question I asked to Mikal.

I put in the new work system, changed raids, and tidied up the monster stats page.

So, I'm going to chill for now, I'll be updating the reference to reflect the new changes tonight, and I'll implement the monster evolution system tomorrow.

I really hope this game makes me money! @___@;

MonBre is an unlisted game of Tinydark Studio. Personal Website:
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
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Demi Lune's avatar
03/24/2009 20:36
Awesome, I went and checked my monster stats and saw the hours left/days left to live thing, and was like woo! Stuff!

I like work level counting towards evolution. It'd take ages to get 250 work level, but in addition to regular level it's pretty nice to have.

Personally, 35 days is pretty long just to get one monster to the point where you'd want to splice it. That's a lot more long term than most people are looking for. I don't really mind right now because I'm busy as hell with stuff and would much rather just work 9 times out of 10, but some people like to grind for hours and that's just their thing.

Do you think people should be spending more time in individual locations, or just taking their time with everything? By that I mean, just not killing two gods in one day, or would you rather they had a reason to stay at each place a little bit longer?

Adding in another quest to each town, and maybe two to the cities, would give people more to do than just hoard SRP and then move on. I'm not sure if you've got everything worked out in terms of trainer levels and quest rewards and stuff, in which case adding more quests would be hard. But even if it's just collect 10 dire wolf fangs after you get the 10 slime goo for the scientist, it would add some meat to the game without really making people go out of their way for anything.

That being said, though, I like how all the quests have a bit of a story behind them. Instead of "I need these items, go get them!" there's a real reason to go get those items, which makes the quests we do have better than a whole bunch of useless fetch quest for random unimportant NPCs.

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
Posts: 2200
Vael Victus's avatar
03/24/2009 21:28
Heh, thanks, I do try to add some interesting elements to my quests. I hope this really helps us out... I don't know man. I'll be so damn sad if I wasted even more time and the game is just a failure.

I plan to add more quests and tiles soon, after this big game-formula-changing mess is through.

I think I made some really good improvements with Muriel's changes and I'll be submitting an article to some sites soon and hopefully we can make this work.

MonBre is an unlisted game of Tinydark Studio. Personal Website:

Edited once on March 24th, 2009 21:29:32 by Vael Victus
Beyrone Leyt
"vThat Guy. :D"
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Beyrone Leyt's avatar
03/25/2009 04:33
Content removed by user request.

You're currently reading my signature... O.O
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
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Demi Lune's avatar
03/25/2009 05:24
Yeah, we just need to get the word out. The more people who play, the more people will get referred, etc.

It's hard to get going, but I really don't think a game can "fail" unless it's just that bad. But something original and well-thought out like this could really do well, if it gets through all the growing pains that come with starting up a game.

Oh, I never really asked before, but how come exploring is the only place with ads? You should add one onto the bottom of the locale page, since really not everyone explores every day.

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
Posts: 2200
Vael Victus's avatar
03/25/2009 16:09
We don't need that many ads, and they're sorta irritating. :X Also they are technically at the bottom of Home. Shh.

If the ads made me godly amounts of income, I would. But right now it's 50 cents a day for wallace and grommit, and though that may sound like a lot, after the ad company takes 25% away, I'm left with 38 cents a day, which * 30 days = $11 US dollars. That's like an hour and a half of ChaCha.

The main way I hope to make money is with subscriptions. All I need is 500 players who are going to subscribe for $3 a month, and I can live off MonBre. It's not that far-fetched of a number because Hattrick currently has 100,000 subscribers paying $5 a month, which nets them $500,000. A month. For running a game.


MonBre is an unlisted game of Tinydark Studio. Personal Website:
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
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Demi Lune's avatar
03/25/2009 22:45
I was thinking more about the ad stats on project wonderful which I assume influence people's decisions to bid or not on the spot. But yeah, I see what you mean.

Subscriptions are definitely more profitable, since it's pretty much direct profit after you take out bandwidth. Not to kick you in the nuts or anything, but this other game I've been sorta watching but not playing for a while donates 5% of the money spent on the game to either Child's Play (the Penny Arcade one) or some Women In Gaming thing. Adding the donations for both together, multiplying by 20, and they're up to $8800. I'm not sure how often they reset it, but I worked this out somewhere between 1-3 weeks ago, and it was $7200 >.>

I really think that the more people play, the easier it will be to get more. Think of how many horrible games there are out there that survive solely based on the community, and you should have a good idea of how well things will go after the player count starts to go up. Not that I'm saying MonBre is bad, it's actually really engaging for me personally, but on the other hand I'm a long term goals kind of person. The fact that there's a game behind the forum is a bonus, is what I meant.

For example, Gaia Online...

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
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Vael Victus's avatar
03/26/2009 09:57
I'll never donate my earnings to charity, sorry. o.o; I'm poor enough, and I don't really believe in helping charities because 9/10 I don't care about the people in them. I donated to the special olympics so I could get a "free" magazine subscription to PC gamer for two years. If you look at an alignment chart for D&D, I'm chaotic neutral, not by any means a "good" person.

That being said, yes, I'm sure we just need more people too. We actually did keep a good amount, we've got about 15 more players logged in a day and that translates to roughly 20 more active players in general. For 6 bucks, I can't complain.

I'll be putting in that news article today for the gaming site, we'll see when it hits.

MonBre is an unlisted game of Tinydark Studio. Personal Website:
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
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03/26/2009 19:03
Yeah, I wasn't saying you should, just explaining how I calculated that out.

How long did you put the ad up for?

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
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Vael Victus's avatar
03/28/2009 14:58
It was actually like four ads and they were up for about 4-5 days.

Also, I just got $50 in advertising for free on google adwords. I put up an article on but I guess no one reads the news anymore. >< We got a few from there today, but last time I did it we seriously got 20 people. Free advertising is free anyway. xP

MonBre is an unlisted game of Tinydark Studio. Personal Website:
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
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Demi Lune's avatar
03/28/2009 16:41
Hmm... Any site with similar features you could put that up on?

Or, alternatively, a "sign up from our link and get +1000 bux!" thing on a site or two. People tend to click those when they don't know that the amount of money they're getting is nothing XD

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
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Vael Victus's avatar
03/28/2009 20:53

Rakki Lesthys said:
"sign up from our link and get +1000 bux!"


MonBre is an unlisted game of Tinydark Studio. Personal Website:
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
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Demi Lune's avatar
03/28/2009 22:31
I don't think mpogd does that much, but like TWG has the exclusive offers thing and stuff like that. Usually though the bonus you get ends up not being much, but I can attest to the fact that it's more tempting when you see things like that XD

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
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Vael Victus's avatar
03/29/2009 12:58
Yeah but it costs money to post an ad there. =/ I'll see what I can do.

I originally had put us on there and though we show up on the website, we were never really added as a game.

MonBre is an unlisted game of Tinydark Studio. Personal Website:
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
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Demi Lune's avatar
03/29/2009 20:07
That's weird. Any idea why?

I wasn't talking in terms of an ad, I don't think they'd charge you to get some TWG exclusive deal going on... If they do, find someone else that's willing to do it for free

The second box down on the right I think it is says exclusive offers, and it's like +$100 on signup to Generic Mafia Game!!!

That's what I was thinking of.

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
Posts: 2200
Vael Victus's avatar
03/30/2009 11:07
I've already got the next ad planned, don't you worry your big head.

MonBre is an unlisted game of Tinydark Studio. Personal Website:
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
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Demi Lune's avatar
03/30/2009 11:10
Here's a shocking secret. I have ADHD.

Long story short, I might be buying groceries, and be like HEY YEAH THAT'D BE A SWEET ADDITION TO MONBRE!

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
Posts: 2200
Vael Victus's avatar
03/30/2009 19:11
Grocery shopping's not planned until version 5, unfortunately.

MonBre is an unlisted game of Tinydark Studio. Personal Website:
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
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Demi Lune's avatar
03/30/2009 21:47
Not quite what I meant XD Just that things pop into my head randomly regardless of what mundane activity I may be doing at the time.

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Sledge Wielder
"Go Reapers!"
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Sledge Wielder's avatar
05/13/2009 01:56
So u with a hammer and nails = sore thumb when a squirrel runs by?

If everything's right, what's left?

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Created by Vael Victus 2007-2024