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Beatrix Stark

Oct 09th - 16:53:45 PM

Hi. : D

Well, I don't usually get in there with the forum on any games I go to, but this places seems like a fairly tight-knit community, and I much prefer them to HUGE sprawling games.

I do like this game so far~

By the way, if there's anything I can do to help out, just let me know. I'm not a bad artist, if I do say so myself, and I'm pretty good at spriting and writing too. :3 Just a genuine jackofalltrades, huh? X3

Nice to meet you all. <3

Edited twice, with the latest on Oct 09th - 17:52:54 PM by
Vanilla Name
Posts: 1275
Vanilla Name's avatar
Oct 10th - 15:55:13 PM
Hi, hope you enjoy monbre!
I'm sorry but I can't help it, I must say-
Jack of all trades, master of none

Beatrix Stark

Oct 10th - 17:09:30 PM
Now, that was just unnecessary. >:

-cries in a corner-

Vanilla Name
Posts: 1275
Vanilla Name's avatar
Oct 10th - 17:18:07 PM
I have to say it when I hear that phrase, sorry

Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
Posts: 2200
Vael Victus's avatar
Oct 10th - 17:33:18 PM
It's true, I've seen it.

We're still growing right now, Beatrix. Nice name btw.

Uhm, art-wise... honestly the mobs are pretty all set right now, me and Sledge Wielder are doing them. Writing, hmm? If you want to write a quest, you can.

Quests need before texts, then completion texts. You could see it by just doing any quest, really. Though you should probably read the lore about monbre first.

Ah, I'll think of something I need.

MonBre is an unlisted game of Tinydark Studio. Personal Website:
Beatrix Stark

Oct 10th - 18:52:56 PM
XD Just call, I'll be about. Grinding like crazy because I don't really understand anything yet. : D


Vanilla Name
Posts: 1275
Vanilla Name's avatar
Oct 11th - 07:56:22 AM
Well, i'm the reaper co-leader, we have the best guys in our guild, we don't mind helping out

Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
Posts: 2200
Vael Victus's avatar
Oct 11th - 10:39:03 AM
Quests, like all MMOs, help ease the grind. Just do what you need to; MonBre isn't a chore game. People usually play in bursts.

MonBre is an unlisted game of Tinydark Studio. Personal Website:

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Created by Vael Victus 2007-2024