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"Indie"/unknown/whatever games
"Indie"/unknown/whatever games

Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
07/12/2009 20:36
I play so many random games from the vast stretches of the internet, I honestly can't be expected to remember them all. So I can't really post anything I haven't played recently, because quite frankly I couldn't tell you a whole lot about them other than they're good. Which is a shame, but whatever.

If there's a game most people haven't heard of that's near and dear to your heart, post it here. It would be best if there's some kind of free playable part to it, even if it's just a demo. It can be any format - flash, download, text, whatever - so long as it doesn't suck.

Don't be embarrassed to post whatever silly little thing you've found recently. I shall endeavor to bring you strange japanese things, things that wish they were japanese, and more. Fear not, for it will probably amuse you!

A few recent-ish acquisitions of mine are Science Girls! and The Path.

The Path is creepy and may leave you utterly confounded, so play it only if you have an imagination and patience.

Science Girls! is like a visual novel + an rpg, and it has ACTUAL SCIENCE OMG RANDOM TRIVIA MAKES ME SO HAPPY! It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it, much to my distress.

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Frank Lux
"Hello Motto"
Posts: 167
Frank Lux's avatar
07/12/2009 21:27
Iji is one good indie freeware game. It's a shooting sidescroller with RPG elements with pixel art graphics, but it's quite neat!

There's also a quite old game called "Platform - The Game" that it's a flash game(with 3D graphics) where you control two characters that have to help each other to escape from where they are.

Screw this, I'm going a-back to Italia!
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
07/13/2009 08:45
Oh, yeah, Iji was lots of fun. I beat it, then my perfectionism got the best of me and I wanted to do it perfectly, and then I couldn't D:

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Vanilla Name
Posts: 1275
Vanilla Name's avatar
07/13/2009 08:55
Haha, this reminds me of the sperm rider game

Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
07/14/2009 17:56
Aztaka: Huh. I don't think it was the game, because it's not like it's a graphical powerhouse. But whatever, while trying to play this game my computer overheated and turned itself off. So I didn't get to play it much. But it seems like a very cool mix of RPG and adventure game puzzles. I mean, theoretically.

I guess I'm a horrible person for using indie game networks to find new games to pirate. But I've bought several, I'll give them my money if I enjoy the game. But there's no way I'm paying $20 for that Aztaka game, man. It looks kinda cool, but $20? Sorry, guys.

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Frank Lux
"Hello Motto"
Posts: 167
Frank Lux's avatar
07/15/2009 17:35
Hahaha, that's why torrents where created! To "distribute" indie games across the globe, because I'm not paying dollars in my country because PayPal doesn't exist here!

My PC restarted everytime I died in Iji, and it worked like a incentive to avoid death!

Screw this, I'm going a-back to Italia!
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
07/16/2009 00:00
Weird. Gotta hate computers sometimes.

I had a game I was going to mention, but I totally forgot about it D: It wasn't a PC game like the other ones, but I forget if it was a flash game or console or handheld or what...

I'll remember eventually!

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.

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