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Dear Demi
Dear Demi

Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
06/20/2009 14:51
As of now, MonBre shall have its own columnist!

Every... Oh, let's say wednesday. Every wednesday, I shall do my best to answer any and all worthwhile question you mail to me in-game! You can ask whatever you want, whether it's how many hairs are on my head or why your neighbour won't return the stuff you lent him, and you can ask as many question as you want. I shall endeavor to both inform and entertain you, and maybe confuse you a little on the side. There's no guarantee I'll answer your stupid questions, but if it seems funny, I might!

I'd prefer you didn't spam up the topic, but I realize that this will happen no matter what. So, instead, to keep things clean, I'll just clear out all the chatter when I do the next batch of questions. That might seem douchebag-y, but think of it this way... If Vael were coding something, and you snuck up behind him and smashed away at the keyboard and messed everything up, would you be offended when he deleted that? Probably not, since you stuck a bunch of crap in the middle of his work.

Make sense? Then let the questions... BEGIN! I may wait until the wednesday after next, the 1st of July I guess, if there isn't all that many questions. But, hey, feel free to prevent that!

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
06/24/2009 14:47
Are you comparing your columnist topic with Vael�s work? -CJ

I am. Do you know why? Because I am, in fact, considering a career making sentences out of words! The letters tend to fall into place on their own, so I�m not worried about that. The words, though, they don�t like to behave. Which is why I�d like to get paid to keep them in line. I�m not entirely sure what kind of career, exactly, but that�s for later on. For now, I need practice with as many forms of writing as possible, and maybe something worth showing off in a portfolio kind of thing. A junior high school kid is writing a column in my local newspaper about music, which kinda made me wonder about how I might enjoy journalism.

I love to read the paper, really - not just because there�s interesting things happening elsewhere in the world, but because I like dialogue, and newspapers are kinda like slow motion debates. I enjoy reading different people�s takes on events, and I have in the past written a few letters to the editor. The funny thing is, I don�t enjoy watching debates or anything, although I do like to participate in them.

And no, I won�t become a politician. I�d probably be alright at that, but I wouldn�t really enjoy it. It would be kinda stressful, too.

Should we mail you questions during the week, or only on Wednesdays? -Frank

Whenever you want! At some point during Wednesday, I�ll answer the questions that are worth answering, and clear out the topic. You can post questions, or mail them to me, it doesn�t really matter. As long as I get them somehow, I�ll see what I can do to give an interesting answer.

There�s no criteria for what makes a good question good, or a bad question bad. A bad question is one I can�t get a good answer for, a good question can be just about anything. If you desperately need to know my shoe size, ask away! Just don�t expect an easy answer. There may be easy questions, but answers are, by their very nature, complicated.

It's a well-known fact that CJ lies a lot. But when did he start and why? And even more interesting is: who was the first one to find that out? -Belichko

Actually, I think you�ve got us confused! CJ doesn�t lie, he�s just not very bright. Don�t blame him if he doesn�t know what he�s talking about - he�s British. They�re still living in the dark ages or something... It�s like they haven�t discovered the internet, I don�t even know, man...

However, it is a well-known fact that I lie a lot! You may be surprised to hear this - maybe you thought I was lying to everyone but you. And maybe I am! You�ll never know, will you? That�s the beauty of it.

I think I started the day I said �Dada� to my Mama, and she figured I wanted to see him. Nah. I was just messing around. Babies have great sense of humour, don�t they? As for why, well, why not?

I was the first one to find out that I�m a liar, obviously. Nobody else ever finds out. Isn�t that the point of lying? It�s only fun if you don�t get caught!

What�s your favourite Pok�mon? -Vael

I�ll be honest here. It�s Squirtle. He and I had some pretty good adventures. I was born with a Gameboy Colour in my hands - true story. My conception was, technically, immaculate. Thanks to a series of time anomalies, I was conceived in the future, then sent back in time to my mother�s womb!

So, for seven months, I chilled with Squirtle. We were bros. Super Pok� Bros Womb was our first big hit. After that, things went downhill, so to speak. I decided I was tired of gestating, so I blew that popsicle stand and was born eight weeks premature. It�s a good thing my Mom was a nurse at the time, so she didn�t have to go far!

During my childhood, I waited patiently for technology to catch up with me. When everyone else played hide and seek, I played beat the living hell out of Gary Oak. It was a good game. I got my exercise in anyway, though, thanks to my chronic pacing. I also have thumbs of steel. Just like Squirtle!

What would your super power be, and what would you do with it? -Frank

I would have a mystical power to help everyone, no matter what they needed. However, I would only be able to use this power in extraordinary circumstances, such as when someone�s in danger, or super depressed. Or broke. Or under attack by aliens! Or even zombies! Zombie aliens with tentacles for heads!

As for the second part of your question, well, that�s not terribly difficult to figure out. I would become a Friendly Neighbourhood Super-Mercenary, helping everyone in need! The best part is, I would never have to make any excuses when my powers decide not to work for someone. It�s their own fault for bringing me their trivial problems! It would also be an awesome job. I don�t think I�d bother having a secret identity, I�d just wear my costume all the time. I�d have copies made up for laundry days and stuff.

If you were asking a new internet columnist at a question, what would you ask? -Sledge

I would do everything in my power to ask them an interesting question. Maybe I�d like to know the average number of crows in a murder? Maybe I�d like to know the physics behind birds flying in a V formation, to calculate the benefits of walking in a V formation on a windy day! The possibilities are endless!

That�s all for this week, folks - hopefully I made you smile. Or smirk, if that�s how you are. If I made you laugh out loud, well, that�d be just dandy, wouldn�t it?

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
06/24/2009 14:48
Oh, I forgot one question - left on my doorstep anonymously by a concerned citizen. Here's my response in its entirety. I hope you are enlightened.

Why has the Combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle? -A Concerned Citizen

Thank you for writing, Concerned. Of course your question touches on one of the basic biological impulses, with all its associated hopes and fears for the future of the species. I also detect some unspoken questions. Do our benefactors really know what's best for us? What gives them the right to make this kind of decision for mankind? Will they ever deactivate the suppression field and let us breed again?

Allow me to address the anxieties underlying your concerns, rather than try to answer every possible question you might have left unvoiced. First, let us consider the fact that for the first time ever, as a species, immortality is in our reach. This simple fact has far-reaching implications. It requires radical rethinking and revision of our genetic imperatives. It also requires planning and forethought that run in direct opposition to our neural pre-sets.

I find it helpful at times like these to remind myself that our true enemy is Instinct. Instinct was our mother when we were an infant species. Instinct coddled us and kept us safe in those hardscrabble years when we hardened our sticks and cooked our first meals above a meager fire and started at the shadows that leapt upon the cavern's walls.

But inseparable from Instinct is its dark twin, Superstition. Instinct is inextricably bound to unreasoning impulses, and today we clearly see its true nature. Instinct has just become aware of its irrelevance, and like a cornered beast, it will not go down without a bloody fight.

Instinct would inflict a fatal injury on our species. Instinct creates its own oppressors, and bids us rise up against them. Instinct tells us that the unknown is a threat, rather than an opportunity. Instinct slyly and covertly compels us away from change and progress. Instinct, therefore, must be expunged. It must be fought tooth and nail, beginning with the basest of human urges: The urge to reproduce.

We should thank our benefactors for giving us respite from this overpowering force. They have thrown a switch and exorcised our demons in a single stroke. They have given us the strength we never could have summoned to overcome this compulsion. They have given us purpose. They have turned our eyes toward the stars.

Let me assure you that the suppressing field will be shut off on the day that we have mastered ourselves...the day we can prove we no longer need it. And that day of transformation, I have it on good authority, is close at hand.

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
07/01/2009 07:49
Hmm. Well, I'll do the one question, at least.

Do you have any sexual preferences? -CJ

That depends what sense you mean, really. Since you didn't ask "what is your sexual preference," I'm assuming you meant in a "what kind of stuff do you like to do" kind of way. It's been a while, but, sure.

First of all, well, I'm not interested in guys. Sorry, everyone I just don't find anything about the male body attractive. Which makes it difficult to be objective when I'm concerned, but I don't often need to judge my own looks anyway. I don't worry about how I look, honestly. It doesn't make much of a difference, I'm the same regardless of how I look. Which is why I just buzzed off all my hair saturday morning, because I was tired of dealing with it

On the other hand, the female body is intensely attractive to me. I dunno, I just love everything about women. Sue me. The curve of her hips, her neck, her lips - everything. I also have a thing for pale skin... Not quite sure why. Not like unhealthy monitor tan pale, just "ugh I burn too easily to tan" kind of natural tone. I've got nothing against darker girls, either, it's just that people don't tend to realize how horrible they look when they microwave their bodies. Bleh.

I'm a very gentle, boyfriend-y kind of guy. Both personally, and sexually. I like to kiss, and touch, and generally just do whatever she likes. The way I see it, sex and relationships go by the same rule - it's not about you. And the same thing goes for them. So, you want to enjoy it, they want you to enjoy it, perfect. They want to enjoy it, you want them to enjoy it, perfect. You're not trying to please yourself, because that's their job. If someone isn't enjoying things as much as they could, then you need to explore more and figure out what feels good for them.

Communication is really the key, there needs to be some sort of positive reinforcement so you know what to keep doing. Same story if there's something that's not so great - you need to know not to bother with that again. If there's something that really turns you on, and she's not a big fan of doing... That's a problem you'd have to deal with on a case-by-case basis. I've got no experience there, anyway, so I can't exactly help much with that.

Where was I? Oh, yeah, sexual preferences. What I like to do. Well, I covered that already. I like to see her enjoying herself. Much more fun for me than just doing whatever it takes to get me off. I actually enjoy "foreplay" more than I enjoy the actual sex part, but it's not really clearly split into two parts. It's not like here's the foreplay, here's the sex, here's where we roll over and go to sleep because we're terrible lovers. Nah. There's foreplay in the middle, at the end, wherever maneuverability allows for it really Foreplay is half about just plain enjoying her body, and exploring it if it's someone you haven't been with for very long, as well as making sure she enjoys herself. She should want to do it again. If she's not particularly keen for a second time, then you're a failure.

Sorta getting off-track, but somebody's gotta learn you kids about these things Most women won't enjoy the whole penetration (what a terrible word, but it's the proper term) part of sex enough to have an orgasm. So, you need to do something about that. There's a lot that goes into it, but for the most part she needs to relax, let go, and just enjoy herself. The tiniest things can distract her enough to ruin that "immersion," for lack of a better word, whether it's her room not being clean enough or the fact that the window's open and the neighbours might hear. It's best to just let sex happen if she's in the mood, rather than planning it out. Like, don't just say we'll do it every friday. Because some fridays, it just won't be the right time for it. You have to be open to doing it on a thursday, or even sunday if it takes two days for the right circumstances to present themselves.

For the moment, that's all for today! If I think to check back later, and somebody sends me a question, I'll answer it. Come on, guys!

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
07/08/2009 15:03
Do you consider being able to take everything seriously a skill? -CJ

Absolutely. It looks good on a resume. Besides, it�s funnier that way. The best part of a joke is the part where it isn�t! Even funnier if it not being a joke... is a joke! But no, life is serious business. When I call the pizza place to see if they have any specials going on, do you think I ask for specials? Of course not! I ask if they have any SWEET DEALS. And sometimes they do have sweet deals. I can get a pizza for $5.99 on tuesdays.

Are boobs good? -Sledge

Absolutely. They look good on a resume. Besides, it�s funnier that way.

If you got to do ONE thing and ONLY ONE thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? -Sledge

Catch up on everything I never got around to doing before now. It�s perfect! I get to do everything, forever! Give me a break, you try and narrow down a single thing you want to do forever and ever. There�s lots of things you could pick, but... what if you�re wrong? What if there was something better to do forever? What would you do then?!?!

Do you have any beliefs? -CJ

Religiousl beliefs, not really... I dunno. I�m not anti-religion, I�m just sorta meh about the whole thing. If I HAD to choose myself a religion, I�d go with whatever the Norse called their belief system. For one, Norse mythology is bitchin�. For two, they have the Norns and whatnot and I suppose I do believe in fate and stuff. Destiny, karma, whatever. I realize karma�s kinda different, but it�s a part of the whole plan.

That being said, I don�t really think everything is planned out millenia in advance and we can�t do anything to change anything. Trust me, you can do a lot to change your life, and other people�s lives, too. You can also choose not to do things, and regardless of your good intentions at the time, always wonder what you could have changed.

Non-religiously, sure, I believe in lots of stuff. Love, trust, honesty, kindness, etc. etc. All important things. I also believe everyone has the right to have a life as awesome as mine, and that people generally don�t deserve to have stupid crap happen to them. Even when they�re asking for it, there�s no real need for it to happen. Oh well! None of it ever comes from me, so all I can do is console people afterwards.

What�s your favourite videogame, and why? -Frank

Oh god. This is a tough one. See, here�s the thing with the way I play games... I never finish them. Ever. I can count the number of games I�ve finished on two and a half hands, at best. I have a GIGANTIC collection of games, not to mention the ones I�ve downloaded... I honestly have paid for over a hundred PS1, PS2, and PS3 games. Going by retail price of every game I own, from NES to GBC (GameBoy Colour for those who don�t speak acronym), my collection would have cost me $6000 as of, like... A year ago. I can�t guarantee I paid full retail price for every game I own, I know I�ve bought lots of sweet PS2 RPGs off of eBay for $20 a piece. I bought a literal dozen last summer, and they all arrived over the course of long weekend. So when I came home from work, there was a massive package containing all my packages waiting for me

So, back to the point. I�ve finished very few games. So I can�t fairly say anything about the ones I haven�t beaten. But uh, let�s see, some highlights... Dragon Warrior for the NES taught me math at age 5. Final Fantasy VII really got me into games. Final Fantasy VIII made me love trading card games. Guardian�s Crusade for the PS1 taught me how awesome pet raising games are. Final Fantasy IX taught me to be a perfectionist and made me like grinding for skills and stuff. Oh, FF Tactics got me into strategy RPGs. Tactics Ogre for the GameBoy... Colour? Could be Advance. I dunno. Also good strategy RPG, made me look for more. Ring of Red for the PS2 showed me how awesome mechs are, and also strategy RPGs with mechs. Xenosaga made me love storytelling, .hack made me love searching for information on the internet. I guess I�ll go back a bit and mention that Pok�mon gave me my tendency to pace. Dark Cloud made me love micro-management.

Sligtly more recently, Persona 3/4 were super fun as much as they were super different from the first two, which I also liked before P3 was even announced in Japan. They didn�t really teach me anything, but as a whole they were super appealing to me. Ratchet & Clank is pretty great, although I can�t say I really took anything from them either... I�d say my tendency to walk funny, but my half-strafe of a walk is a paranoia thing. But that�s a story for another time!

What do you think about time paradoxes? -Frank

Oh man. I LOVE time travel and stuff! Go watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Once you�re done, watch it again and pay close attention to everything. It�s super good!

As far as actual paradoxes go, they�re a part of time travel so they get cool points by association. I just like thinking about things, and if something can confuse me that�s even better. Typically, though, in my line of interest time paradoxes are to be avoided. Nothing is worse than having your fans point out a problem with your book�s timeline!

And aside from keeping the plot straight, trying to AVOID a time paradox is usually a plot of its own. Or at least a major factor behind different things, like OH NO I CAN�T BRING MY MP3 PLAYER TO SECOND EARTH BECAUSE IT�S STILL THE 1940'S THERE! RIGHT! BACK THROUGH THE TIME FLUME!

It feels like these are all too short, but I didn�t sleep last night. Didn�t want to, didn�t feel like it, made good use of the time. I�ll get a good dozen hours in tonight before I go to work tomorrow. Thanks for the questions, everyone, and I�ll answer any others you have for next week... Next week!

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
07/15/2009 15:39
Paranoia... Dude, ya do know that ain�t good for ya? -CJ

Well, see, it�s not like actual paranoia. Other than that time I was asleep in my basement, and something fell down, and I could have sworn ninjas were coming to kill me. Aside from that, I don�t panic irrationally or anything like that. Nope, I just walk kinda funny when you pay close attention to the placing of my feet.

Way back in 8th grade, I decided to take matters into my own hands and learn how to fight. I didn�t really need to know how to fight, but it would be useful in the future, I figured. I took some boxing classes, some judo classes, some karate classes. By �some� I mean a year of each, but I didn�t do any more after that. I know a year isn�t exactly enough to master anything, but I wasn�t looking to WIN, per se. I just didn�t want to be defenseless.

The universal lesson was be ready for shit to hit the fan. They wanted me to be able to walk into the proper position to throw a punch, should I need to do so, and I sub-consciously started to walk with my feet sorta diagonal instead of just straight. I�ve tried to stop doing it, but it�s gone on for so long that the mental effort it requires to not do it makes me look more like an idiot than just doing it in the first place.

I mean, should I need to, I could just go into a basic boxing stance and defend myself without breaking stride. So, that�s good, I guess? I�ll be honest and admit I�ve never had to defend myself before, but that�s also a good thing, I guess?

Do you think that newborn babies are ugly sometimes? -Sledge

Sometimes! Man, babies can actually be really ugly when they�re born. They�re all lumpy and floppy. Other times, though, it�s like AWW SO CUTE! It couldn�t be cuter if it was the baby of two babies!

They�re not universally ugly, though. Then again, I�ve never had one, so maybe babies only seem cool because I haven�t had to raise one.

Demi, are you fat in real life? -Everyone wants to know

Sometimes. If there�s too much delicious food around, I occasionally get fat and sassy. After a while it goes back to normal. If you imagine a skinny nerd guy, that�s pretty much me. But I�m not annoying or lacking in social skills, so I�m cool to hang out with and not a tool.

How can I get unstuck without Vael�s help? -Belichko

Well, it�s a little hard AFTER you�ve gotten stuck... I would advise some kind of lubrication, prior to getting stuck. That makes things a lot easier. Failing that, try not to do whatever got you stuck!

How awesome does Texhnolyze get? -Marshall

Well, honestly, I haven�t finished it yet. But by episode 9, it gets pretty sweet. So, I can�t really say, but I�ve heard lots of good things about it... The setting is interesting, and the story is compelling, if only because they don�t spell things out for you directly. Which is a good thing, I guess, because being force fed a story isn�t fun.

Texhnolyze is a cyberpunk-ish anime, where they�ve developed the technology for perfect cybernetic implants, thanks to some plants they found deep underground that keep the receiving body from rejecting the new limb or whatever it happens to be. Many citizens of Lukuss, the city where most of the action occurs (I think?), aren�t big fans of the idea of people being able to get perfect replacements for their limbs, especially because the newer implants tend to be stronger than normal human limbs. There�s two big organizations, one that promotes the use of Texhnolyzing (the implants), and one that�s against it.

Obviously there�s some tension between them, and they�re always thiiiiis close to starting a big war with eachother. The leaders of each side are pretty smart and calm guys, but their followers aren�t quite so smart, and they start shit whether or not their leaders want them to. But is someone trying to manipulate them into a war? And why? YOU�LL JUST HAVE TO FIND OUT ON YOUR OWN, WON�T YOU?

That's all for this week, folks! Thanks to Marshall and Belichko for emergency question-asking when I felt like I didn't have enough questions. There were less hilarious questions this week, but fear not! I haven't stopped being awesome! It's your own fault for not giving me good things to work with. So come on, ask me good questions for next week!

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
07/23/2009 19:38
Have you ever done something you enjoyed, but aren�t proud of? -CJ

Oh god. Yes. Humhrmhurrah... Let�s see what I can think of that I�m willing to share. Suffice it to say, I can be an entirely different person when certain friends are around, and then look back and be like �gee that wasn�t as funny as it seemed at the time...�

In fourth grade, I kicked a friend of mine in the face while climbing up a playground ladder. I was above him, he was below me, I took my big spiky winter boot and went hurr hurrrrrr and planted it in his face. This had the kind of effect you would imagine it would have, and I�m pretty sure I got detention for it. And possibly sent to the councillor. We played chess, and he asked me what swear words I knew, and I was too embarrassed to say them. For the record, I knew them all by the time I was 6.

And on that subject, oh man, my days of Show and Tell in kindergarten. Many times I simply had a word for Show and Tell. Highlights would be fuck, boobs, and who knows what others.

�It�s like books, but with a b!�

Oh, and there was even an instance of �I�ll show you mine, if you show me yours!� My parents got transferred to Newfoundland for work for six months, and during that time I went to a fancy shmancy kindergarten. We had uniforms and everything. I showed up on the first day in a Superman shirt and carrying a Spiderman briefcase. Oh yeah.

So yeah, there was only one bathroom, shared between boys and girls. Two little appropriately themed potties. Some Disney princess for the girls, like the Hulk or something for boys. Being the sneaky little turd that I was, I was all �hey pssst� and I�m sure you can imagine the rest...

Later on, we kissed underneath some thing on the playground. May have been a different day, or even beforehand, but I�m not even making this up. She was like my parents� friends� daughter or something, and she said �fluff� instead of fart. Hurr hurr, newfies.

Have you ever considered a job as a real columnist in real life? -Frank

In fact, that was my motivation for starting this little project! Writing stuff for Vael (and I suppose everyone who plays MonBre) made me realize just how much I like writing. I know I�m not perfect, though, and I tend to type the way I talk due to msn and everything. I write differently, but my writing style is different, too, and again not perfect. I�m also overly critical of my work, which is why I�ve got nothing written that I�ll ever post, but that�s neither here nor there.

So, my thoughts were, I�d practice and build up a �portfolio� of sorts. Then again, being a �columnist� on an internet forum isn�t exactly... Something that might be considered as �job experience.� I enjoy doing it, though, and I�d love to write for a newspaper some day. I love newspapers, honestly - you can make The Big Bucks just by giving your own personal opinion in an interesting/convincing way. I just can�t see myself making it big :/

I also considered writing stuff for my local newspaper, because apparently ANYONE CAN DO IT. Including 11 year olds. There is an 11 year old kid who writes a daily column about music in my local newspaper. And it�s not like this is a shitty little thing printed by some dude who walks around in his underwear all day, this is like a syndicated thing run by Transcontinental. And if the length of the name didn�t clue you in, they�re kinda important. But, writing for my little local newspaper would be much less fun. And so, here I am!

That�s the main problem with me doing something writing related - whether it�s writing a book or for a newspaper or whatever - I just don�t know if I could do well. Or even if I could manage the stress and everything. When you put yourself in the public that much, people hate you Or they expect you to work faster, or do better, or be perfect. Even though you expect all those things of yourself, and simply can�t manage it. It�s just worse when other people remind you how human you are. Which is why I would need to scrape by writing cult hit books, then get super famous when I�m old and people will go �oh, he�s old, he�ll finish his next book in about five years.� It�s genius!

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
07/23/2009 19:39
Has any work of fiction ever meant anything to you more than usual? -CJ

All the time. I�ve been multitasking all my life, and I can think about a dozen different things at once, and none of them will be what I�m physically doing. I can drive a car and imagine a story about a secret society of all the important kings in the year 1500 sacrifice themselves to bind another realm onto ours, bringing magic, ridiculous technology, climate and geographical change, but also world peace all at once. And it would be awesome. And I would make it into a masterpiece of a game. But wait, would it be flash based and have adventure game elements, like sweet puzzles and stuff so that people need skill to play it rather than grinding? Or would it be all text based, and require lots of strategy and planning?

So, back to the point... I think all the time. I can digest a book while comparing it to my life, other books, movies, games, and characters in it to people I know. All at once. And I could tell you later exactly what happened, too - there�s no loss of concentration when I split things up like that. The importance of this? I make connections all the time. Even just little things here and there, like how the main character of Persona 4 and Yosuke totally remind me of a myself and a friend of mine. Then the next time I see him, I�m like �lol dude I was playing a game and a guy gets all mad at the main character, then they spar with eachother and it magically fixes everything. Remind you of anyone?�

So, almost everything has some personal significance for me. It makes it tough to get rid of things, because I�m just attached to all this junk. It also makes me embarrassingly emotional at different times, sometimes with books that hit close to home (typically character interaction/personalities more than story), but more often with movies, anime, and once a play. But that�s a slightly different story.

I�ve mentioned it before, because it�s so awesome, but part of what goes into that is what it means personally. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - starring Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet, came out in 2004. 94% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Obviously, it can�t be bad, so go start downloading it right now.

Done? Alright, let that download and keep reading. This could get a little long.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is about a couple who broke up for various reasons, and the girl, Clementine, erased her memories of her boyfriend, Joel. He goes to talk to her, and she acts like she doesn�t even know him, because she, in fact, doesn�t. Upset, he goes to talk to his friends, and in an attempt to help, his friend gives him a card they received saying that Clementine had erased Joel and not to mention him to her anymore. He goes to see the mind eraser guys, they�re all like oh, I�m so sorry, you�re not supposed to see this... They offer to erase his memories of her for him.

While they�re erasing his memories, he�s revisiting all the romantic little moments they had together, and realizes how much he loved her and why he fell in love with her and all that romantic stuff. He realizes he doesn�t want to forget about her, and tries to resist the process.

I�m not going to spoil it, because you honestly need to watch it yourself. Then watch it again. The special effects and everything are done superbly, especially the second time you watch it, because it makes even more sense that time. The story is awesome, there are plot twists you won�t expect and moments where everything just falls in place and you go �my god, how come I�ve never heard of this movie before? This is so great!� It just goes together and flows so well, especially once you start piecing it together.

I went on Rotten Tomatoes and looked at the highest rated movies, and picked it out, because it sounded really interesting. A friend of mine was staying the night at my place because his parents weren�t home and he needed to be in town early in the morning, and I lived a lot closer than he did and had room to spare for people to stay over. He watches movies all the time, so that�s what we usually did when we were hanging out, and so I went and looked for two to watch because I figured one wouldn�t be enough. I got Donnie Darko because I had never watched it even though I�d heard lots about it, then that was when I went looking and got Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

I hooked everything up to the big screen tv, we decided for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind because neither of us had heard anything about it before. Now, this is where the personal part comes into it, and why this movie affects me so much. See, from junior high through most of high school, I had a female friend with whom I had many ups and downs. I�m a hopeless romantic, for one, and even though she said she hated romantic stuff she always did cute little things that just made you go �awww� and it was romantic whether she liked it or not. Joel and Clementine remind me a lot of us at various points throughout the movie, including and especially at times the parts where they fight.

At the time I was watching it, we were at one of the �down� parts I mentioned. The romantic bits made me go �man, that�s what I want� and the shitty bits made me regret all the stupid stuff I�d said and done at different times, even if I had been forgiven every time. I don�t forgive myself, really, but again that�s neither here nor there. Oh, and take this and my reluctance to give lots of examples for the �things that seemed good at the time but that you ended up regretting later� question however you want.

So, this movie hit me pretty close to home. He never noticed, but I cried at various points during the movie, just because I felt bad for myself, for her, and wanted desperately to make things right again. After it was over, we just kinda looked at eachother and were like �that was SO GOOD HOLY SHI-� �GET TO BED JESUS CHRIST BOYS I NEED TO WORK IN THE MORNING!� �Sorry dad...�

So, we didn�t watch Donnie Darko that night. We just went down the basement and talked about different things in the movie and connected the dots and went �wow that�s so awesome.� Later that day, we invited a whole bunch of people over to my place to watch it, and then Donnie Darko later. It hit me just as hard this time, but I was feeling optimistic and thinking maybe I could make everything right so there was no crying this time. Donnie Darko was less good, but still cool, although it didn�t really affect me as much on a personal level. Different things reminded me of other different things in my life, that�s fine, everything has that effect for me.

How come you suck so much, why were you late, and who the hell are you talking to? -?

So sorry! Hopefully the length and personal content of my answers makes up for it. Believe me, if I could have answered these yesterday, I would have. My grandmother�s funeral is on Saturday, and that�s about all I need to say about why I�m so late.

This is the fourth page using Time New Roman size 12, not double spaced. ~2,100 words by the time I�m done. ~9200 characters, not counting spaces, which MonBre might. SCRATCH THAT, IT DOES.

See you next week!

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.

Edited once on Thursday, Jul 23rd 19:39:51 2009 by Demi Lune
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
07/29/2009 14:33
You�re quite vociferous. Are you also coniferous? -Sledge

In fact, yes, yes I am. I am widely known, locally at least, as King Conifer. My needles and cones are looked upon as holy artifacts by the natives of this land, such as they are. If a tree falls in the forest, and nobody�s around to hear it, it�s probably my fault.

And I�m alright with that. I take my tree powers quite seriously.

Reto - The Network. Discuss. -Vael

Hmm. Honestly, I�m terrible at figuring out songs and things like that. I can catch the most obscure references, foreshadowing, and patterns, but taking something that doesn�t immediately make sense and working it out just doesn�t go for me. At least, not anymore... I used to be able to grab japanese songs, do my best to translate them using an online dictionary or something, then fill in the blanks and make a meaning out of them. I haven�t done that in ages, though, and it seems like my lack of use has rusted my skills of hidden-meaning-catching.

Well, it�s not so much the meaning. That�s there. It�s about people replacing their real lives with computers, essentially. Not terribly complicated, but I still feel like I�m missing something.

It makes me think of myself and at least a few other friends, then makes me think of friends I have who use computers just as much but without getting into internet subculture as a counterpoint to our fully submerged lives. That sounds odd, but it makes for a weird kind of contrast. Like, here I am, familiar with terms like Eternal September and etc. And then there�s the people who are more familiar with icanhazcheezburger style lolcats than, well, every internet meme ever. And yet we both use the internet just as much.

I�m not sure where I�m even going with that. Whatever, man.

Dude, you�re so awesome, how? Man, just how? -CJ

I was bred at a young age to wrestle with horses. That was the first step on my journey of ridiculosity, and I never looked back. If you�ve never watched a horse get flipped over, let me spoil it for you. HORSES LIKE TO STAND ON ALL FOUR LEGS. They�re like the kids who lay on their backs and kick at you. Except they crush your skull instead of getting beaten up.

After the horses were wrestled out, I moved on to my next great task. Subdue the moon. As you can see, the bugger is quite content where he is, so I�ll let you decide who accomplished their mission there.

Ok, I�ll give you a hint. It wasn�t the moon.

What was next for this intrepid adventurer? Invent english, of course. That one was a bit confusing, but as you can clearly see, I worked it out.

My fourth, and final, task? For the last elemental crystal? Beat the internet�s Endboss.

[If our service has not pleased you, we would like you to read our customer service policy. Namely, that if you don't like it, stop sucking so much. This depends on you as much as it does on me, so, seriously, you're a part of the team. And there's no you in team if you're going to be a failure.]

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
08/05/2009 14:03
How big is your tallywacker, good sir? -CJ

Why, CJ. The audacity! I can�t believe you would ask such a thing. However, I said any kinds of questions would be allowed, so I must answer or go against my word. And I am, above all else, a man of my word.

When I must wack tallies, I have a considerably large tallywacker for just that purpose. It�s not exactly necessary - technique matters more than equipment - but it makes me feel better about myself. It does present certain unique challenges when tallies must be wacked in certain situations, but I make do for the sake of us all.

After all, what would we do if tallies were allowed to live un-wacked? I shudder to consider the possibility.

How is alcohol processed through your body? -Canyon

It�s a personal choice, really - some process it one way, some process it another. The common way is an orderly procession of varying quantities. I shall outline the basics for you.

First of all is the Advanced Scouting Party. ASP from here on out. The ASP can be any size from a sip to an entire bottle of whatever you�re drinking, but the idea is still the same. The ASP goes ahead to check out the status of your stomach, and determine if you�re fit for more.

ASPs, however, have a horrible tendency to get lost when they reach your stomach. Something about the stomach just confuses them, I suppose. So the next step is to send in the First Wave of Reinforcements. Again, size may vary depending on the urgency of the operation, but the idea is once again the same. The Reinforcements go check on the ASP, just to make sure nothing�s gone wrong in there.

The First Wave, however, tends to get lost as well. So then you need to send a Second Wave of Reinforcements. If they happen to get lost, send another Wave. Repeat as necessary.

Do you own any pets? -CJ

Yep. I think I�ve mentioned her before, but I own a medium sized black lab mutt named Shadow. The mom was a golden lab, the father was the neighbour�s border collie, I think. So she�s not as big as she could be, but she�s got a beautiful coat (slowly turning grey around the mouth and on her belly) and a wonderful herd dog mentality. And by wonderful, I mean endlessly frustrating but sometimes amusing.

Unless she�s hiding somewhere cool to avoid the heat, she�s always wherever she can best watch whoever is around. If it�s just me, she�ll curl up beside me or in the closet or on the closest pile of blanket/clothes/pillow/anything. She lays on piles of things, and I have no idea why - papers, laundry, books, it really doesn�t matter.

If other people are around, she�ll lay in the hallway or near the stairs or the door to keep an eye on everyone at once. Even if it means being less close to some of the people, she just can�t accept that people will do things without her knowing about it.

I�m actually not 100% sure how old she is... I got her when she was six weeks old, because the people who had her wouldn�t wait the extra two weeks you�re supposed to and were going to give her to someone else if I didn�t take her. So, fine, I did. She was tiny when I got her, and I happened to have a big stuffed dog at the time which she always snuggled up to. Later on she humped the hell out of it and tore it to bits because she was bored of it, but not necessarily one right after the other.

She�s a couple of years old now, anyway, and she�s starting to settle down a little bit. She still barks at most of the people she can see and tries to herd any birds or children who happen to be around when she gets out. Kids tend to run for their parents, but the birds just take off. And that�s when getting her to come back is hard.

What�s the connection between our guild and black holes? -Belichko

Once upon a time, there was a monster that could hit so hard, its victims were compressed into curvature singularities nearly powerful enough to be deemed black holes.

This wasn�t enough for its owner, though. No, nearly-a-black-hole wasn�t good enough. It needed bigger prey to really accomplish something. So they set out to take down the raid bosses, scheming madly of creating the first monster-made black hole.

Hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Edit: Oh, guys, I totally forgot. I'm going to Ottawa until the 15th, leaving tonight. I forgot to mention that.

So, Dear Demi will be on hiatus next week! No answers next wednesday, but I promise I'll get to them all the wednesday after that. Promise!

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.

Edited once on Friday, Aug 14th 17:45:25 2009 by Demi Lune
Sledge Wielder
"Go Reapers!"
Posts: 374
Sledge Wielder's avatar
08/14/2009 00:42
Thank you and welcome to another exciting episode of ASK SLEDGIE!!! Ok on to the questions....

Where would you go if there was a man with a knife hunting you?
Fine question!! I myself find that getting on TOP of a house and hugging the shadow of the chimney gives you the best chance of avoiding notice by blade-wielding murderers bent on your destruction!!

What do you find hot about the female anatomy?
Oooh naughty!! Well, I said I'd answer any question, so here I go! I think that the hottest piece of the female anatomy is the chestal region, aka the boobies. Those soft, bouncy infant-feed-bags are just awesome and totally drowning in hotness. They come in many forms and sizes, but are generally at their hottest when facing forward instead of down, and when larger than can easily fit into one hand. Coming in at a close second is the butt A nice butt can make a girl with no boobs still hot, which is no easy task, let me tell you. Thanks for the question. NEXT!!!!

My tummy hurts, what should I do?
While I'm no doctor, I've found that the first step to properly healing a sore tummy is to determine what kinda sore it is. First of all, did you eat a bunch of bread, then drink water. Please note that when I say "bread" I mean pasta, chips, crackers, and all other carb-loaded items that swell when wetted. If this is the case, then what you need a couple aspirin, some time, and a good healthy dump to make you feel better. That not the case? Ok then you may have food poisoning. Did you eat any rotten vegetation or rancid meat recently. I've found that either of those can cause severe indigestion including but not limited to: tummy ache, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and death. If you have ingested rotten food, the best option is regurgitation, followed by throwing away the regurgitated rancid food so that you aren't tempted to eat it again. That not the case either? I'm sorry friend, but I have to inform you that death is on its way. Here's what I recommend: buy a carton of Marlboro Reds, a big bottle of Vodka(and not the cheap stuff), and most important of all, a 20lb sledge hammer. When the boney bastard in the black cloak shows up to pull you down to your demise, distract him by offering him smokes and a couple shots of vodka, then when he's totally hammered, ... well... hit him with the hammer until he's TOTALLY hammered lol.

Well, that's all the time we have for today. Thanks for viewing, and come back next time for ASK SLEDGIE!

If everything's right, what's left?

Edited once on Friday, Aug 14th 0:42:37 2009 by Sledge Wielder
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
08/14/2009 17:44
How was your trip? -CJ

Oh, it was alright. It was more business than pleasure, really, but I hung out with a few cool people. That�s completely foreign to me, honestly - knowing people who live in the same city and don�t know eachother. All my friends know eachother, it would be impossible for them not to. And then I find myself having to explain who this guy is that calls his son on the phone just to fart in it and hang up, because even though he lives 15 minutes away they�ve never met. Man, so different.

The other weird thing for me was how bad I am at understanding people with accents. Where I live, there�s probably less than 100 immigrants. Not even immigrants of other races, just plain people who didn�t grow up here. Hell, there are people here whose entire family trees for generations have lived on the same road as eachother. They don�t even need phones, let alone computers. They can walk across the street to keep in touch with their grandmother.

So, yeah, I was in Toronto and Ottawa. Canada�s most ethnically diverse city and Canada�s (obviously) most political city, both of which mean dealing with people I�ve never really dealt with outside of outSOURCED tech support and such. Not my fault I thought the guy was asking if I wanted feta (or however it�s spelled) cheese on my sub, and not a philly cheesesteak sub. Whatever, I ate it anyway.

I tried scuba diving, because a person I know is an instructor. It was more like �hanging out at the bottom of a pool� than scuba diving. Sorta cool, but also cold as balls because I�m too skinny to retain any body heat. Warm showers afterwards were nice.

Driving forever isn�t fun, though. So keep that in mind, kids, before you plan road trips!

Do you ever experiment with visual art? Or do you just stick to words, which only count if you�re being an arse? -Sledge

Story time with Demi! I�m actually infamous for this, I always end up telling stories. You already knew that, but I may not have mentioned the fact that I always have story times.

When I was a kid, I thought I was going to be an artist. And also a translator. And a basketball player. Not all at once, but these were possibilities.

Then I realized I couldn�t draw, didn�t feel like learning a million languages, and before hitting puberty was always one of the shortest people my age. Darn, there went my childhood dreams.

Story time mostly over!

At various times I had to do artsy stuff for school, which meant scraping by with stick figures. And typically getting bad marks, because I �can do better than that.� Until the first Madness movie came out!

Oh ho, now this was perfect. Simple, effective, and as long as my teachers didn�t use the internet much they�d think it was original. It was perfect, and my creativity flourished temporarily and I made a comic about a kick ass ninja and then turned that into a story because writing was easier. Using Madness style guys, obviously.

That served me pretty well for the rest of my grade school years, i.e. up until grade 12.

Oh, for a period of time I made forum signatures with MSPaint. So bad they�re great kinds of things. Then I got photoshop and made some meh-worthy ones for myself and occasionally for groups of friends as in-jokes. One had our forum names on it and a picture of Shanghai, with some filters added to make it look like it was raining. Hurr hurr Penny Arcade reference.

I haven�t, in any recent history, done anything creative. I just have no natural talent for it, outside of my head at least. I can imagine things, and describe them very well, but I simply cannot create what I imagine.

So sad.

Birfday? -Peeps

Yes, I had one. Yesterday, even. Didn�t do anything special, four people wished me a happy birthday without being reminded/informed by my acquaintance. It�s all good, though, because I don�t need to do anything for anyone on their birthday either!

Do you miss MonBre, or did MonBre miss you? -Black Scar

Both, hopefully!

...Right guys?

Were you entertained by my impression of you? Was it any good? -Sledge

Lol, yes. I was. In fact, it gets to stay. And I�ll edit my �no Dear Demi next week� into my previous answering post.

Was it anything like me? Pft, no. Was it anything like you? Obviously.

Which is better?

Anyhow, folks, DD is back and will be taking your small amount of questions next wednesday!

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
08/20/2009 10:43
O shi, I forgot it was wednesday yesterday! Only one question, but I guess I'll answer it.

How was childhood back in the day? -CJ

My childhood was pretty sweet. I have to be entirely honest, I did not want for anything. I was good to my parents, so I had a lot of freedom and could get away with pretty much whatever. I didn't argue with them, didn't insult them, none of the usual stuff kids do to their parents because they're dumb. Because I was smart and knew I'd get a lot farther appreciating my parents than I would taking all my emotions out on them

My dad taught me how to count and multiply and other basic math using Dragon Warrior for the NES, though I'm not sure how I learned to read. So I kicked the crap out of kindergarten, basically. That was my first RPG, and then later when my dad's friend who is the manager of a Sony Story convinced him to buy a PS1 it only got worse from there. Later, when the PS2 was released, my dad convinced my mom to get it for my brother and I as a combined birthday present so we'd have a DVD player

I've been to Disney World, I've been to Universal Studios or whatever their park is called, I've been on a roadtrip all around the US because at the time it was actually cheaper to go there than to drive around Canada instead. We went on a vacation somewhere most years, so that was cool.

I spent most of my time in school up until grade 11 reading books after I got my work done. To make myself more inclined to work, I thought of everything as an RPG. "Just gotta do six more math questions for my next level!" Sometimes also Zelda, so each question was a room in the dungeon. Then I'd skip to random ones to get the key for the other one and pick out random number to be mini-bosses.

Yeah, I was pretty cool. Which is why I had a bazillion friends, and we hung out pretty much all the time. Didn't matter if there was school the next day, we'd be out until 2 am discussing everything from Buddhism to nihilism to the economy to how horrible human beings are. Because we were smart, and our hanging out just encouraged us to learn stuff.

We were also a rough lookin' bunch, and one of my friends who's more into like 70's punk and general Britishery than I (I'd listen to old punk if I could find decent quality versions :/) decided the best term for our group was "bangers." I think I told that to some british guy on the internet, and he was like uh, I'm not sure why you'd want to call yourselves that...

But yeah, we wanted people to judge us because we loved to prove them wrong. You're sitting there in your trenchcoat, homework for the night done before the teacher's finished teaching the rest of the class how to do it, and then they're like "ok, stop reading and come answer this question, because obviously you're too smart for this class!" So you're like k, and you get up and make your way up there and everyone's all "hehehe nice coat retard" and you poop out the answer and they're like oh, well...

Yeah, it's immature, but we were teenagers. We were allowed to do that.

Demi, signing out for the day.

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
08/26/2009 09:22
Is there anything that makes you really angry? -CJ

Not a whole lot, honestly. I know better than to freak out over absolutely nothing, so I can take most things more or less in stride. The only thing that really hardcore gets to me is when people do things they know are wrong, it�s just disappointing when someone knows better and does it anyway. I try not to let it get to me, but if they won�t stop talking about it I�ll snap eventually.

Sucks when that happens. Also makes me really angry at myself, so I guess that counts too.

Does CJ make you really angry? -Frank

Lol, nah. CJ amuses me. Reminds me of the joys of being a kid... *sniff*

Did you ever have a childhood hero? -CJ

Not really, actually. I didn�t know what I wanted to do with my life, so I didn�t really have some astronaut/artist/basketball player/game maker to look up to. I always knew my dad was pretty cool, then my mom later when my brother desperately wanted to be like my dad and wouldn�t leave him alone. Other than that, no, I never really had a hero o.0

Hey Demi, how old are you again? -Vael, via IRC a few days ago

Hurr hurr, I c wat u did thar. I told Vael I�d reveal A SECRET to you guys today if there were no Dear Demi questions, because on Friday there weren�t any. But then there were questions, but I still felt like it. So, sorry about the crappy answers to the other questions, but I wanted to write this more.

A looooooooong time ago, on a site far, far, away... A young boy learned that it�s best not to let people on the internet know how young you are. So, from then on, he became skilled in the art of acting mature, and it was good because people never even knew he was 12. All you need to do is avoid mentioning age-related things - school is alright because you can pretend it�s university, parents and siblings depend on the execution. Decent grammar and basic eloquence are also a plus.

Years later, now aware of the horrible people on the internet and the horrible things they do, privacy is pretty important to him. Of course, there�s still good people on the internet, but all it takes is one douchebag. Back to the point, privacy means no personal details and no leaving a trail - different usernames, no noticeable posting habits, ideally no connections between any accounts.

Which is why I changed from Rakki Lesthys (two names I use on a regular basis) to Demi Lune, because that has no connection whatsoever to me in any way. It doesn�t really matter - but it gives me the small sense of satisfaction that a careful google search won�t connect the dots. Demi is a bit ambiguous, though, but I think I�ll keep it at this point.

I�m not sure how long ago I told Vael how old I was, the chat log would have been on my old computer. I had been making up total bullshit to give him excuses for why I wasn�t around (school, family stuff) that would make sense if I were going into my third year of university. Eventually I felt really guilty about that, so I told him. I haven�t done that as badly with everyone else, or even all that much, since most of my stories are like �back in high school� or �when I worked at a convenience store...� The only difference is those things are a lot more recent than I�ve made them out to be.

I don�t think there�s anything I out and out lied about on the forums or IRC. I never had to, as far as I can remember. I�ll verify stories if anybody wants me to, though.

CJ, I�m sorry to say, I�m not a love guru I�m a good people person, which is why I dated the same girl on and off for three years, but I�m starting to think that�s over. We�ll see how it goes. Doesn�t make what I said or any other advice I might be able to give any less useful, just that my relationship experience is, well, less than amazing. General how-to-deal-with-girls problems are easy, even though I never seem to keep many female friends.

Oh, and by the way, my first name is Matt. Born August 13th, 1992. It�s been a pleasure meeting you all.

edit: oh, add starvalddemelain on xfire, or ask for MSN if that's what you use.

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.

Edited once on Wednesday, Aug 26th 11:15:08 2009 by Demi Lune
Frank Lux
"Hello Motto"
Posts: 167
Frank Lux's avatar
08/26/2009 16:46
I think this was the best Dear Demi day...

Screw this, I'm going a-back to Italia!
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
09/03/2009 22:14
Why, Demi, you sexy rogue you, can't we have a webcam picture? -?

There you go! Maybe someone will care about me next week D:

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.

Edited once on Saturday, Sep 5th 10:49:16 2009 by Demi Lune
Vanilla Name
Posts: 1275
Vanilla Name's avatar
09/06/2009 08:04
You shattered my world and everything is confusing *~*

Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
Posts: 2200
Vael Victus's avatar
09/06/2009 10:35
CJ u back dog

MonBre is an unlisted game of Tinydark Studio. Personal Website:
Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
09/06/2009 14:31
lol dog

get it

Also CJ, <3

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Vanilla Name
Posts: 1275
Vanilla Name's avatar
09/29/2009 13:22
Are you still doing this?

Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
09/29/2009 14:45
Are you still doing this? -CJ

Yes If only I had questions

And this has been your Dear Demi for all of september! See you next time, folks!

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Vanilla Name
Posts: 1275
Vanilla Name's avatar
09/29/2009 18:30
Riveting story chap.

Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
09/30/2009 06:00
No, no, my story down a little bit in this very forum is riveting. This is Q

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Vanilla Name
Posts: 1275
Vanilla Name's avatar
09/30/2009 11:08
Have you played Quake Live?

Demi Lune
"The what now?"
Posts: 909
Demi Lune's avatar
09/30/2009 17:06
Nope. Ask better questions.

But when that call never comes, it's time to face what you've become - there's no point doing all of this, unless you know you're having fun.
Vanilla Name
Posts: 1275
Vanilla Name's avatar
10/01/2009 17:32
Are you like Oedipus?


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