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Debate: Religion V.S Science
Debate: Religion V.S Science

Vanilla Name
Posts: 1275
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Sep 17th - 14:57:42 PM
This is a debate, so which is right? Religion(The big bang) or Science( A god/gods made the universe)? I've got to now, i'll post my view tomorrow...

Sledge Wielder
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Sep 17th - 17:20:27 PM
How about this: God created all the matter of the universe, but put it into one tight little place, then it went bang and spread according to his plan, and in that bang also life was sparked in its simplest form, and evolved from there along with the evolution of planets. lol I just whipped that theory up, whaddaya think?

If everything's right, what's left?
Vanilla Name
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Sep 18th - 05:56:03 AM
Erm... No... There's no evidence benefitting religion and like always, religion is always made up...

Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
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Sep 18th - 15:09:31 PM

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Edited once on December 28th 2008 15:44:31 PM by
Sledge Wielder
"Go Reapers!"
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Sep 18th - 23:12:33 PM
I like the way you think man. very logical. I prefer to spoof the whole thing.

If everything's right, what's left?
Vanilla Name
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Sep 19th - 10:56:08 AM
Aagh, but what about constant evolution? We evolve and will never stop, there's no way something could manipulate that, not even design the first life form, some "God" may be able to start the explosion that caused us but there is no way that one could manipulate it or anything else...

Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
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Sep 20th - 13:51:57 PM
Uhm? Why not? The idea behind the concept of god is that it's "the ultimate". I don't see why you find it hard to believe that it helped us evolve. I mean I'm just thinking, this universe is very large. There could've been something that helped us along. We've supposedly come from cavemen to people in clothing using computers and on the internet. A population of 10-20 animals to be considered "humans" to nearly 7 billion people in our world. I wonder, what point did the monkeys turn into humans and have consciences, and free thought?

A lot of it doesn't add up to me.

My personal belief is that everything is "coded", just like the matrix. Not that we live in a scenario of the matrix, but that god coded us. It would not suprise me one bit if god, after making the universe, decided to make acceptable (and let me tell you, earth is not perfect) conditions for life, and bred us up from designs it had. Just a whole lotta things don't make sense to me, which is why I find it incredibly hard to believe that we just happened to be raised up on this pretty well conditioned planet, and evolved solely from monkeys. Thus I find atheism to be very silly, and in fact, illogical. For my own insane reasons that none of you would believe. Thus I don't make topics discussing god.

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Vanilla Name
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Sep 20th - 16:35:34 PM
So you think other animals don't have consciences and free-thought?

Vael Victus
"See you, fantasy monster game."
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Sep 21st - 09:45:28 AM
Obviously? I'll bet you think they have vocal languages too? o.o

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Vanilla Name
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Sep 21st - 09:50:26 AM
They can understand each other but it basically sounds all the same to us, in many ways we are inferior to animals, we're like a monster with 10 Stamina, 1 Strength, 1 Constitution, 3 Speed and 90 Luck, crap...

Beatrix Stark

Oct 11th - 06:24:42 AM
'Religion(The big bang) or Science( A god/gods made the universe)'

Lolwut. Bit mixed up there, no? >w>

I personally am a level six agnostic, as Dawkins would put it; I am fairly sure there is no god, but I have no proof, and therefore I won't go around preaching at people and telling them I know best. I actually run a free-thought society in my school named Level Six, for that reason. |D

However, to be fair, I do not believe in any god. I believe there may be other intelligence out there - the odds are against there not being, after all - but that it is probably very far away and doesn't influence us or even know about us. Mutually exclusive relationships, if you will. But I don't think that intelligence ought to be worshipped just because it exist.

So for that reason, I find the Christian God quite offensive, and often refer to him as The Blood God. It's my little joke. : D

And as response to the above, of course animals can think. They do have vocal language, and even a form of society; don't cats meow, and dogs bark? And on the other hand, they can understand each other's body language well enough to not need vocal language. A need to vocalise is something we humans invented, because we are quite often inferior to animals. It irritates me when people say animals lack conscience or free thought, when an awful lot of humans can't even think or rationalise either~ :3

Oh, yeah, and we didn't evolve from monkeys. We had a common ancestor. >w>

Edited once on Oct 11th - 06:28:01 AM by
Vanilla Name
Posts: 1275
Vanilla Name's avatar
Oct 11th - 07:51:07 AM
I was going to start ranting but since I agree on what you said about animals I will restrain myself ^_^


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